If ever there were a holiday celebrating style, the art of design and fashion globally, tonight would be it. From 6pm-11pm tonight retailers worldwide will be hosting events for "Fashion's Night Out 2010". FNO first began in 2009 in New York, the epicenter for art and style.
Sponsored by Vogue and CFDA, the global initiative for this year in addition to locations all over the USA will also be held in Australia, Brazil, China, London, Paris, Berlin, Greece, India, Milan, Portugal, Russia, Spain, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey.
Each official design retailer will be selling official FNO merchandise (40% of proceeds go to benefit New York City's Aids Fund) and also limited edition items of their own to celebrate the event. Alexander McQueen has designed a set of Python bracelets with signature charms, Chanel is releasing a set of limited fall nail polish colors and many other stores will be offering drinks and hors d'oeuvres.
So get dolled up and put on your favorite threads because tonight it's all about style and shopping for something good! For a list of cities and participating stores visit http://www.fashionsnightout.com/fno-elsewhere/