Savory, Spice and Everything Nice: World Curry San Diego


"If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Many years ago, on a night after a long happy hour, a friend took me to place where vegetarians and meat eaters could happily collide in enjoyment over savory good eats and converse under the glow of colored lights and cozy decor.

Fast forward to a summer Tuesday evening, I was invited to a 20yr celebration of tastes at World Curry.  With a couple of familiar faces and new friends, we got to sample flavors from across the world, and learn about the spices and seasonings that make the complex flavors found in varying curries.

**If there is one thing you MUST go to World Curry for, and absolutely must try, it's their Indonesian Bali Beef! After tasting this, I spent most of the evening musing over what size vessels I could bring, to have filled with their magical brisket, that is pressure cooked to tender savory perfection and served in a Rendang curry.

While the Bali Beef is my shining meaty star, we also tried an array of other wonderful bites.

- Tikka taco (delightfully good!)
- Veggie pakora
- Phall Popper (spicy but mild compared to it's curry counterpart)
- Naan bread
- Thai green curry with chicken and veggies
- Tikka masala with chicken
- Banana fritter with coconut ice cream

Bonus round:  A SINGLE BITE of the Phall curry, which is the longest lingering, most delicious, and spiciest thing I've ever eaten.

It was a really special evening, getting to talk to Bruce and Momo, hearing great stories from the last 20 years and learning about the time, detail and quality of ingredients that go into their food.

When I asked Bruce, if he's tired of curry yet, or if there is something he still eats every day, he had the best answer, "Bali beef and a bit of rice, every day!"

In celebration of their 20yr anniversary, until Aug. 30th, they're offering the above as a prefix menu for just $20!

Check them out at


a very special thank you to Amanda at Passion Roots, our designated drivers for the evening and Bruce and Momo for sharing your stories and food with us! 

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