Light at the end of the tunnel? Hell I have a lighter now

Happy Hump Day!!

Yes the day in the week before we glide into the weekend.  This is going to be my first weekend in San Diego for a while.  I've been spending quite a few weekends up north with my band, just prepping things and trying to speedily get things done before the end of the year.  It makes me shudder in excitement that xmas is less than three weeks away, in fact almost two.  At the beginning of each year, I always write down plans, aspirations and what I look for.  This past year right before 2008 began, the only thing I asked was "make this year something else!Boy was it ever!  Looking back, I can't believe everything that's happened, the amazing people I've met, and the opportunities in which have been presented.  Excitement is an understatement in describing my anticipation and feelings for 2009.  It's been said that once you find your calling and what you want to do, that the rest falls easily.  I don't know about anything falling in place easily, but I do believe that once you find that path you're meant to walk down, you'll bull doze trees, flatten the dirt, and pave the way yourself.  

I know that in some way or form, whether it be due to social or economical influences, many of us are feeling limited or drained in resources and etc.  I've never been one to listen to the clichés people spout about blessings in disguise because truthfully, who the hell wants to look to the light when we're all concerned with the holidays, feeding our families or paying bills?  But. A big But.. I think this season will bring us back to childhood stories such as "Charlie Brown's Christmas, or a Christmas Carol" because somewhere amidst financial establishment and such, we've forgotten what the holidays are about.  I'm a victim of it myself.  We get caught up in the shiniest, biggest and baddest things, and forget that this is truly a time to reflect on who and what we do have.  

So for those fighting to keep your business alive, trying to make it through school, take care of your family, stay ahead, maintain what you do have, or simply survive.. keep your head in it and don't allow circumstances to grant you the excuse to give up or wallow in self pity.  It's one thing to get a flat on a dark road with no roadside assistance and cry about it, and it's another to get your ass out of the car and change that tire yourself!  Hey if you have a friend, he can hold up a lighter or flashlight so you can see!  Cheers and talk to you soon folks!

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