Crazy, Brittany Murphy Found Dead in Shower


I woke up this morning for a brunch meeting anticipating a quieter than usual Sunday and the internet was a BLAZE about Brittany Murphy's death.  At this point the main things other bloggers are saying are that her death was drug related and that she was found by her mother.  There's reason to believe that she was taking meds for weight control as well to stay thin.  I've always been fascinated by this need to do anything possible to remain thin, and how much pressure models and actresses have. 

As much as I want to lose that extra 10lbs, I don't think I could ever be anorexic if I tried.  I definitely live to eat.  Such a sad story during the ending of a sad year. 

Michael Jackson, Chris Henry, Brittany Murphy, Farrah Fawcettt and others.. RIP

\ Via "on the go"

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