Being that Canada is our neighbor, one would think that migrating in between there and America shouldn't be too difficult, but it's actually quite difficult. I was born in Canada but my family moved to America when I was young, so I have the luxury in choice of where I want to reside and have benefits in both countries. I've experienced and seen through friends and family, who are Canadian citizens but are trying to move to America to build businesses, seek different opportunities or just be with loved ones and the amount of paperwork, legal jargon and red tape is endless. Many resort to hiring an attorney, which is quite costly, just to get aid in deciphering the processes and counseling on preparations.
If the processes are this arduous for those only a border away, I wonder how much more difficult it is for those further away. In a long coffee line, I once met an off duty American I.N.S (Immigration Naturalization Service) rep and had a chance to ask about the processes of immigration and if there is a standard procedure they go through for each applicant, or do certain allied countries get an easier pass. The person vaguely stated, what seemed like a politically correct answer, that they do not bias based on the applicant's country, and that each case was unique. This is on a smaller scale, the questions in my head started asking, what if the person applying into the country had money, would the gates open easier?
Trending on Twitter was this buzz about a "Startup Visa". The EB-5 Visa in layman's terms "provides a method of obtaining a green card for foreign nationals who invest money in the United States." There are a lot of technical details, as in the amount of money needed to be invested, how many jobs must be created within a duration of time.
Read Write reports "Investment levels are $250,000 in funding from a venture capital firm or $100,000 secured from an angel. The startup must also have plans to create five new jobs every two years, raise at least $1 million dollars every two years, or generate at least $1 million dollars in revenue."
The idea of allowing foreign investors to come in and create new jobs is idealand we all know how this economy could use some change and stimulation, but some people are questioning "why should we allow for foreigners to use up all our resources" and "isn't this favoritism towards people with lots of money?" I think the questions for both are pretty obvious.
I'm interested in finding out more on how they plan to enforce their restrictions, in example if a company doesn't grow in the required time or doesn't hire people, are they just going to shut the company down or is it even possible to closely monitor such regulations. What I do like is change, and that's something this country could use a lot of, especially economically. How that change takes place and what comes from that change, we shall see.
For info and the video from the supporters of the Startup Visa visit or view the video below.