There's two things that happen to me when goals get achieved, I find myself lost in some sort of time/space continuum and other things get re-prioritized. What's utterly astounding is that I'm still editing photos from UFC Fan expo which was nearly a month and a half ago, there's a list of blogs I have in inventory to write, I'm still working on updating the web page there's a stack of envelopes with companies I need to call to dispute charges and I actually can't remember the last time I cooked at home. What all this means is actually a good thing. I recently made a career shift taking on a (for lack of better words) kick ass full time contract and I've actually been pretty steady with my freelance business as well. I've been told that I'm a slave to work, but it really is true that when you love what you do, it hardly ever gets tiring. My art is being challenged, I have some really amazing projects i'm working on, and although things are moving at a light speed pace, it's a welcomed change.
I'll post more on the projects soon, but consider this my intro update to hopefully more consistent updates. I mean I still cannot believe I didn't post a response on the epic UFC 116.. man what a night of fights and how I wanted so bad for Carwin to finish Brock off.
But for now here is what I'm looking forward to.
1) T minus 3 weeks and football pre-season starts
2) Aug 1 UFC Live in SD ( Jon Bones Jones vs Matyasdfjalskdjf;askdjf; (j/k) Matyushenko)
3) Aug 7th UFC 117 oh jiah.. I hate both Silva and Sonnen, but do wanna see Silva lose.
4) Aug 27th? (gotta check the calendar) got a ticket to see Michael Buble, by myself :D
5) Sept 2, Green Day and AFI.
This entire year up to now has been a beautiful busy mayhem, airports, hotels, weddings, pictures, events and etc.. I can only imagine how the rest of the year is going to pan out.