The big moment is less than 7 hours away and my head is still warpping around what a crazy ride 2010 was.
Between fall downs and rocket ship ups there was definitely a lot to take in and still so much to learn. I'm still one of those starry eyed dreamers that like to be hopeful and make resolutions for the coming year.
My tasklist
1) Like millions of others I'm putting on the list to lose 10lbs and keep going on the healthy train. I did pretty well this year, but next year I wanna be buff! Haha
2) Personal art. My art and business experiences has taken me quite far in life professionally, but it's time to go back to what brought me here. This means more painting, drawing, practicing and learning.
3) More saving and less spending (which kinda contradicts number 4). It's known to the world I love pretty things, I'm a sucker for well designed items and eating super well haha. So while I do pay off all my bills and cards everymonth and save atleast 25% I'm gonna try my hand at investments and etc.
4) Travel!! Haha yes definitely contradicts with #3. So the saving aspect is gonna come from less pretty things and is gonna be put towards seeing more of the world. :) This year I was able to go to NYC, Toronto, SF, Edmonton and Vegas but next year I'd like to get out of North America.
5) Become a better cook. I'm definitely a huge foodie/culinary enthusiast and can make some schnazzy dishes but 2011 will be more learning of foods from my roots :)