There's an energizing magic that takes over this city whenever it's time for Comic-Con to commence. Fellow geeks, nerds and enthusiasts flock in from all four corners and for 4 days, downtown San Diego is one giant celebration.
This year was incredibly special as more friends came into town, miraculous events happened and it was amazing seeing other friends work in Comic-Con. So even though SDCC took place almost 2 weeks ago, I'm still buzzing from the sights, sounds and experiences.
Here is part 1 to some of my favorite moments from this years Con. Part 2 will be details from an up close meeting we got to have with the incredible artist Simone Bianchi .
Gears of War 3 Panel
Mikey Teutul - American Chopper
HUZZAH, AWESOMESAUCE, WIN!!! Chow getting interviewed by American Chopper about the unveiling of the custom bike designed for Gears of War 3. I had to throw in there though that there were a lot of disappointed fans that eat, breath, bleed Gears and many of them didn't even get to see the bike because of how blocked off the area was.
Here comes the Gears Chopper
How badass is the skull/cog symbol in the wheels? This thing had Gatling guns on each side too.
Chow and Cung Le!
My bud Shawn and I have been friends for years and we used to galavant around Comic Con, geeking out in between his portfolio reviews. This year, he was doing signings, I was first in line for his book and autograph <3
G4 interviewing the contributors of "The Monster Hunters' Survival Guide" that Shawn did the art for.
Finally getting caught up and more to come <3 (especially noms)
The biggest thank you to all the people who contributed to this kickass weekend as well. Best staycation I've had in a while, Don you need to take more trips and a super thx for taking pix while I was getting interviewed.