Although the teaser trailer for Marvel vs Capcom 3 doesn't reveal too much, just the idea alone revitalizes an entire speed race of memories of when arcades were much more abundant and cooler, and when instead of dolling up to go out, friends got together to spend a night of gaming in front of the TV.
Like a lot of people out there, I genuinely wish I took better care of my copy of MVC2 for PS2, and that I could locate my MVC for the Dreamcast (which by the way, I still feel was the best console out at that time).
My teams in Marvel vs Capcom would always consist of Jin Saotome, Strider Hiryu and with appearances from Cammy or Guile. Needless to say, I was a Capcom lover. Man this game was so epic, but it was a genuine visual mind trip with the fireworks, booming kaleidoscope of colors and screen interaction (especially when the supers got involved). Some of the best players I've seen would win the entire game with basic moves and air combos. I could never pull off sequential air combos, but it was still such an awesomely fun game.
On my list of geeky requests, another addition of Marvel vs Capcom was one of them, and also for Final Fantasy 7 to be remade.. OH OH OH and how can I forget that I desperately want Gears of War 2 to be available for PC.
Although it doesn't offer much, enjoy the trailer.