When I was a kid if you would have asked me who my heroes were, the answers would have included my imaginary friend Astro Boy and _____ who plays guitar. Although I was too young to decipher one mystical guitarist from another, as I learned to appreciate music, artists of varying calibers, such as Jimmy Page, James Iha, and even Twiggy Ramirez all captivated me with hypnotic and soul shattering riffs. Not too long ago I wrote about the documentary "It Might Get Loud", and once again I'm sharing some exciting news about one of my favorite guitarists, Miyavi.
Whenever you ask people who their favorite guitarist is, the frequent names that come up in the general music loving public include, Slash, The Edge, Tom Morello and etc. Although Jimmy Page has and will always remain one of my top favorites, Miyavi is probably the sole inspirer who got me interested in learning how to play guitar. It's been a long, noisy and constantly growing journey but a fulfilling one.
This June 10th, Miyavi will be at the San Diego House of Blues, and seeing that I was devastated that I couldn't catch him live when he was in L.A, I will see him this time for sure! What first caught me onto Miyavi was his artistic androgyny, his immaculate performance skills, and the mind blowing things he could do with a guitar. For tickets and listings for his current tour click here.
For those of you unfamiliar to his music, here are two of my favorite songs.
No matter how many times I see this video, I can never get over the intro and what this man can do with an acoustic guitar.
Papa Mama has rocking beats and stellar vocals.
Here is his tentative tour schedule
May 29 2010 6:00P
品川 Stellar Ball Tokyo,Japan, JP
Jun 10 2010 8:00P
House Of Blues San Diego, California, US
Jun 12 2010 8:00P
Club Nokia Live Los Angeles, California, US
Jun 13 2010 8:30P
The Grove of Anaheim Anaheim, California, US
Jun 15 2010 9:00P
The Fillmore San Francisco, California, US
Jun 17 2010 8:00P
Commodore Ballroom Vancouver, British Co, CA
Jun 18 2010 8:30P
Showbox Seattle, Washington, US
Jun 19 2010 8:00P
Roseland Theater Portland, Oregon, US
Jun 23 2010 8:30P
House of Blues Chicago, Illinois, US
Jun 24 2010 8:30P
Sound Academy Toronto, Ontario, CA
Jun 25 2010 9:00P
Wilbur Theatre Boston, Massachuse, US
Jun 27 2010 8:00P
The Fillmore New York at Irving Plaza New York, New York , US
Jun 29 2010 8:30P
9:30 Club Washington, Washington, US
Jul 1 2010 9:00P
Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia, US
Jul 3 2010 9:00P
House of Blues Dallas, Texas, US
Jul 4 2010 8:00P
House of Blues Houston, Texas, US