"The difference between being materialistic and not is when you use what you have." ~ Richard Jordan
For one of my final graduating assignments, I wrote an incredibly personal short on the events, decisions and contributing forces that lead me to growing into the person I see in the mirror. I didn't divulge on every painstaking moment, like breaking one of the legs off of my toy transformer when I was a kid. Instead the common growing thread through each event and literary recollection was this idea of unconventional living, and like Frank Sinatra so brilliantly sang, doing it "My Way."
Some day I may post this writing, but for now I'll give the rundown. I've always been told that success equated to things like new cars, a house, family, either a thriving business or a respectable white cubicle in a shiny building. While I enjoy more than most, the pretty and shiny things in life, no matter how conventional things get, or what kind of box I get put in, there will always be some bit of rebellion and two big fingers to what the normal drones think. While I've been asked many times about why I haven't started a family yet, got married or decided on a home to settle in, I'll continue to respond by saying "not right now, I've got some adventures I'm working on first." I could be saying this till I'm 80, who knows, but I've learned to stop sticking timelines on making things happen and just focus on the task of making it happen.
The inspiration to this reflection? An article posted by Jalopnik with one of the greatest real life stories I've heard in a while. I won't tarnish the integrity, magic and allure of the story by explaining the hell out of it, but in short Richard Jordan"had everything he was told to want: cars, a new house, and a fiancee. Then his fiancee left him. So he sold everything, bought a Lamborghini Gallardo and set out across America. This is his amazing story."
I shared this story with a few people, most I could see envying Jordan's freedom and gall, others said "how foolish" and my thoughts? Any of us can spend the rest of our lives making money, paying off debt, and building things back up, this guy took a moment to really just LIVE how he wanted.
We all grow older and wish we could live like when we were wreck-less college kids again. What is it about aging that makes us forget we still can?