Watching the Rain


It's a bit funny that the family escaped braving the cold in canada for a week of sun in LA, only to find wind and rain.

I know I'm not being nice but I do love the rain and it's been fun spending time with them regardless. It's so weird that eventhough we're supposed to be spending time with each other, during shopping, my dad prefers all of us to separate then reconvene at a designated time. I think it weirds him out a bit when I follow him into coffee shops or men's stores.

So off to adventure chinatown on my own, I stopped by my favorite shop "Flock Shop" to pick up some shirts for my brother. One of the few things we both share in common is supporting local artists and independent designers. If you met my dad and his ever so "technical" rationale of everything, you'd wonder how his children developed such creative spirits. Must have got it from the momma hahahha.

While I watch the rain, blog a bit to check in with my readers and wait for the family, a raisin pastry, Chinese doughnut and bubble tea is making life quite noms.

Ciao fellow nomsters. <3
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Diana Le

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