On the Third to Last Day of Christmas


I think I mentioned a few days ago, how horrible I am at waiting till Christmas to open gifts.  Today one of my close friends came over to have a few drinks and exchange gifts.  I bought him a Hibachi grill, with the proper coals to grill Yakitori and I got the most epic set of gifts.  Black shoes from Shoemint, a Jewelmint Necklace and the best yet, a Wustof santokou knife.  I can't even begin to describe how in dire need I was for a new chef's knife.

I've been opening presents all month and I'm kind of bummed because traditionally, I used to not be allowed to open any until boxing day (day after Christmas).  I'm just amazed at how lucky I am to have such awesome people around (wow I sound like a facebook status >_<).

I'll be updating periodically, and posting tonnes of food pix to the twitter.  Truly wishing everyone the most amazing, awesomesauce, uber kickass Christmas ever.  Mine's been quite magical and it isn't even over yet.  Cheers! (pardon the crappy pix, they were taken in a rush of excitement)


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