A Farewell to Summer Photo Diary



Although I'm quite over the humidity and scorching temperatures, now that fall is here, saying goodbye to summer is bittersweet.  Whenever I think of summer, I think back to high school and college days where the end of the spring semester/quarter marked the beginning of magical months to come.

I'm not sure what it is for grown ups, but when I talk to them, those  once few magical months, are now just a warmer time of year.  I like to think though, that for some of us, that youthful sense of fun and excitement still exists.

So dear summer, I bid you adieu for now.  I can't begin to describe how incredible the past months have been, filled with noms, sun and fun, but I'm sure fall also has wonderful things in store.

One of the best highlights, arm wrestling with Anthony Bourdain 

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